
Woman discovers wedding website of the man she's dating

Woman discovers wedding website of the man she's dating
Dating coach says 'if he wanted to he would' trend is a …

Dating in the age of the internet can be a nightmare, with people finding out they are being cheated on via Facebook groups to being ghosted out of the blue for being a virgin.

For one unlucky woman, it was through a Google search that she discovered the man she had been seeing for a month and a half was actually engaged to be married, after finding his wedding website with the details of his upcoming nuptials.

TikToker Ellen Smith (@ellenelizsmith) went viral on the platform after revealing her ordeal after stumbling across the information about the man she was dating.

In the video, Smith explained: “If you’re having a bad day, just remember that you could have accidentally found the wedding website of the man that you’ve been seeing for six weeks, on Google."

Smith continued: “So, it could always be worse for you, not for me. Stay blessed.”


men are trash #zola #weddingfail #datingfail #theaudacity

Judging by the comments, it seems that, unfortunately, hers is not a unique experience, as other women shared their stories of discovering their partner was a cheat.

One person commented: “I found the wedding website of my then-husband while I was deployed.”

“I was talking to a guy who told me he was going home for a wedding… it was HIS wedding,” another said.

Someone else wrote: “I did that. Then sent them a gift from their registry.”

Another admitted: “Ooof!! I was the fiancé who found his Craigslist ads for casual hookups with men.”

The whole ordeal had some in the comments questioning the point of marriage, with one person saying, “I no longer believe in marriage…because men”.

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