
Trump gets trolled with hilarious viral video showing dog urinating on his campaign sign

Trump gets trolled with hilarious viral video showing dog urinating on his campaign sign

Man’s best friend may also be Trump’s greatest enemy.

Trump and dogs have a complicated history and there’s evidence to suggest that he doesn’t like them at all. In her memoir, Ivana Trump described the president as “not a dog fan”. He also has a lengthy track record of comparing his rivals to dogs as an insult.

Now, the dogs are fighting back.

A viral video on TikTok shows one pup’s hilarious crusade against the president. In the video, a husky named Ghost walks up to various Trump signs around a neighbourhood and urinates on them.

Is it petty? Probably. But many people thought he was just doing what we’re all thinking.

Ghost’s owner, Derek, teased a potential sequel video on his TikTok and urged viewers to vote.

The video, which has over 11 million likes on TikTok, was also shared by anti-Trump Republican campaign group the Lincoln Project and has 1.5 million views on Twitter.

People fell in love with Ghost’s urinary act of protest.

The video also spurred other pet owners to show off their anti-Trump canine friends.

These very good dogs definitely deserve a treat. ​

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