(Left) The bridesmaids wore pale pink dresses (Right) Lisa, who was not a bridesmaid, wearing the same colour
A woman has recalled how just was left feeling embarrassed at a wedding after she accidentally wore a similar dress as the bridesmaids... when she was not one herself.
TikToker Lisa, titled her video “Wedding Etiquette Fail,” and recalled how she discovered her mistake.
You can watch the video in full here.
It all began when she was researching the unwritten rules “wedding etiquette” online.
She came across and article titled: “The Colors You Can’t Wear To A Wedding” by Kim Forrest.
It was when she started reading about the wedding faux pas that she realised she had in fact done this one time at a wedding.
“Wait... I think I did this,” the text reads on her clip.
Lisa then shows a screenshot of the article where it says; “If you’re not a bridesmaid, wearing the same colour as the ‘maids can make you look like a wannabe.”
Next, she shares an image of the bridal party with the bridesmaids wearing pale pink dresses.
We then understand why Lisa is covering her mouth and shaking her head in embarrassment.
Since, she then shows a photo of herself at the same wedding wearing an almost identical pale pink coloured dress pictured with her fiancé.
Even the cut of the two dresses are alike.
And the TikToker divulges an extra awkward detail, “He was a groomsman. I wasn’t a bridesmaid.”
Lisa has received dozens of comments since sharing her story with her 5,000 followers.
One person wrote: “How are you supposed to know what color they [bridesmaids] are wearing?”
“I didn’t post my wedding colors so I wouldn’t be upset, but I also didn’t know you weren’t supposed to wear red either?!” Another person said.
Someone else replied: “This happened to me at an ex’s who was a really good friend. His wife didn’t want me there anyways and I ended up matching them by accident...oops.”
“That’s funny, but you all look great!!!” A fourth person said.
Meanwhile, the bride from the wedding, named Kathleen also commented on Lisa’s video reassuring her that she didn’t mind Lisa’s colour choice.
She wrote: “Girl I didn’t even notice!! You and al looked great!!”
“Hahaha. So glad you weren’t upset. PHEW,” Lisa replied.