
Madonna has donated so much money that she may legally become the EU's newest member

Madonna has donated so much money that she may legally become the EU's newest member
Mike Coppola / Getty Images / MICHAL CIZEK / Getty Images

As if 2020 wasn't weird enough already, Madonna may end up replacing the United Kingdom as a member state of the European Union.

Because of an obscure EU law unearthed by Politico's Paul Dallison, Madonna can join the organisation because she pledged more money to fight coronavirus than several of its actual members.

Madonna pledged $1m during an online summit held by EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen aimed at raising money to research coronavirus vaccine development and produce tests.

$8bn (£6.5bn) was pledged altogether from 40 countries and donors from the EU and beyond, including £388m from the UK.

Madonna's donation puts her ahead of Estonia and Lithuania, who didn't donate, and the US and Russia who didn't take part.

Because of the UK's recent departure from the EU, Madonna could theoretically step in.

The queen of pop would be well placed to take up our absent spot, given that she lived here for almost a decade whilst married to English director Guy Ritchie.

She even has the British accent down (sort of).

And who's to say the 'mother of reinvention' isn't up for a new, if not slightly bizarre, chapter of her career?

To qualify for full membership status, Madonna would in fact need to be an actual country, and we're not exactly sure how she'd go about reinventing herself as such. However, if she managed it, it would be pretty simple for her to join the EU: she'd just have to agree to uphold article two of the Treaty on European Union: upholding "human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities".

She might also have to rustle up some legislation that she could then whip into line with EU laws.

But if it all proved too much, it's not like she can't leave.

Madgexit anyone?

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