
Podcaster shares the secret lie that 'all men tell' in relationships

Podcaster shares the secret lie that 'all men tell' in relationships

Little white lies can be pretty commonplace in relationships from time to time, but a podcaster has claimed that there’s one secret lie that “all men tell” their partners.

Jake Craig is the host of the Relatables podcast with Ottie Clarke, and he believes there’s a universal truth in every relationship.

According to him, men lie when it comes to their attitudes towards marriage.

Posting a TikTok video, Craig said: "To all the ladies out there with a boyfriend who's always saying, 'I don't want to get married'.

"We say that for attention. We want you to say, ‘No, but I want to marry you so bad'."

Could this really be true? People in the comments seemed pretty divided on the issue.


Hehehe 💅 #fyp

One woman replied: "I would get made and be like 'then why are we dating?'"


“That’s so true !!! My ex did that lol,” one more said.

“No that’s just to confirm what you already knew… that he was short term,” a user commented.

“Yeah no… sometimes they mean it,” another wrote.

Do you believe him? The jury’s still out.

It comes after experts shone a light on a little-known condition that could be breaking down your relationship without you even knowing.

Most people are familiar with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.

Now, attention has been turned to ROCD, which stands for "relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder".

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