
This literature map of the UK is simply brilliant

Geoff Sawers/The Literary Gift Company

A people are arguably defined by their language, and Great Britain's great writers are so many in number it's hard to take them all in.

It's even harder to map, yet the designers of this masterpiece have done just that.

The Literary Gift Company and Geoff Sawers have produced this map of Great Britain made up of its most famous wordsmiths.

Picture: Geoff Sawers/The Literary Gift Company

Trying to roughly link each author to their place in the country, C.S Lewis is in Wales, Tolkein in Oxfordshire, and the Bronte sisters in Yorkshire.

It was designed by Geoff Sawers and contains at least 181 British writers.

While this excludes many of the finest authors from the sceptred isle, it's the perfect way to take in this other Eden.

More: This literature map of the world is simply brilliant

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