
Ukraine's official Twitter account just posted a Curb Your Enthusiasm meme about the war

Ukraine's official Twitter account just posted a Curb Your Enthusiasm meme about the war
Ukraine's official Twitter appears to share meme video

Ukraine's meme-filled Twitter account is at it again - and this time they've got Larry David involved.

Well, not literally, but the official account known for posting memes about Ukraine-Russia tensions has just made a Curb Your Enthusiasm meme if you thought war in 2022 couldn't get any more surreal.

The video shows a news report of Ukrainians preparing Molotov cocktails to fight Russians as Putin's invasion of Ukraine enters its second week.

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The tweet reads: "A group of Ukrainians was preparing Molotov cocktails to welcome Russian invaders. But one guy seemed dissatisfied. His regret: Russian armored vehicles may all get burnt by someone else before he can put his cocktail to practice."


The reporter in the video interviews a man who says Russians will be fought off before they get a chance to use the petrol bombs and then Ukraine's Twitter account add the theme tune to Curb Your Enthusiasm and play the credits, birthing a meme.



The video has been viewed over 400,000 times and people praised it on social media, but it is also just one of many times the country has shown it has its finger on the pulse in terms of social media.

Last week, they posted a meme comparing Putin to Hitler and have also made memes denouncing appeasement strategies and making light of escalating tensions.

Is it any wonder the country has a sense of humour, when they are led by a former comedian who was filmed playing the piano with his penis?

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