
What women's Snapchats really mean - according to this model

What women's Snapchats really mean - according to this model

Meet Holly Carpenter.

The 23-year-old model has a beauty and fitness blog, and her latest post took a detour into 21st century dating to explain what's often really going through women's heads when they're sending picture messages and Snapchats.

Holly got the idea to translate Snapchats on a night out when one of her friends was strategically sending a photo of the cocktail menu to let the object of her attention know where she was. "I think it’s something that me and my friends are all guilty of!" she said.

She told that she didn't expect the post to go viral but it clearly struck a chord.

"I loved the fact that other girls found it so relatable and guys seemed to find it really funny and useful too! I get a lot of emails now from guys looking for advice on dating because I think people can tell from my writing style that I’m very honest," she said.

While flirting has always been about sending signals, Holly said that with smartphones, the stakes have been raised.

Social media is a handy tool if you’re trying to pursue someone you like. Instead of being forward and texting someone saying “Hey I’m heading out to ‘X’ tonight are you?” you can just check in to the venue on Facebook or Tweet about it... Sometimes I wish people would just be more forward, but now there are so many apps making it easy for us to interact without actually having to interact.

  • Holly Carpenter

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