
This woman spent 26 years with crippling pain. But even doctors were surprised when they found out the cause

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Claire Wright endured horrific stomach pain for more than two decades.

As a teenager, Claire, now 34, had suffered from heavy menstrual bleeding and horrific cramping.

But it was when she and her husband Mark, both from Stourport in Worcestshire, struggled to conceive, that doctors finally discovered what was causing it.

She had been born with two uteruses, two cervixes, and two vaginas.

Claire was diagnosed with uterus didelphys, a rare condition leads to the development of extra organs.

Previously Wright had blamed the crippling stomach pain on surgeries she'd endured as a child. The surgeries had been to help Wright eat and breath due to an malformed windpipe and oesophagus.


An Ultrasound showing didelphys. Picture:An Ultrasound showing didelphys. Picture: Nevit Dilmen / Wikimedia Commons

According to the World Health Organisation, around 3000 women suffer from uterus didelphys.

The Mayo Clinic explains how the abnormality occurs.

 In a female fetus, the uterus starts out as two small tubes. As the fetus develops, the tubes normally join to create one larger, hollow organ — the uterus.

Sometimes, however, the tubes don't join completely. Instead, each one develops into a separate structure.

Doctors claimed they were unaware of Wright's condition, because the septum between the two cervixes was so thick, the second was obscured.

Wright was able to have two healthy children, but her first attempt resulted in a premature birth, and their daughter was tragically stillborn.

Doctors have not been able to complete a hysterectomy at this time, due to fears another operation might be too dangerous.

HT Daily Mail

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