
So, Jeremy Corbyn just invited Donald Trump to Finsbury Park mosque

Jeremy Corbyn has aired his thoughts on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

And you might be surprised to discover he's up for spending the day with him in Finsbury Park mosque.

Speaking to Huffington Post the Labour leader said he hopes all American's will realise that what Trump stands for, particularly when it comes to his proposed ban on Muslim refugees entering the States, goes against "everything that's in the US constitution, it's against everything that's about freedom of speech, everything that's about freedom of religion".

However, Corbyn's views on the petition to ban Trump from the UK are clear. Not only does he consider barring the politician from entering Britain unnecessary, he's up for spending the day with him in his constituency.

I wouldn't ban him from coming to the UK... If Donald Trump wants to come to Britain, absolutely fine, he can come and join me in Finsbury Park mosque.

And then he can come to the synagogue afterwards. We can have a chat there. We'd go around. We manage to have a coherent, multifaith, multicultural society in London, in Birmingham, in Leicester, all parts of this country. He's welcome to come and see. He might learn something.

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