
The 10 tourist destinations you absolutely must visit, according to Lonely Planet

The temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia
The temples of Angkor Wat, Cambodia

The British Museum has been named as a global must-see spot, alongside some of the world’s most prestigious heritage sites.

In a list drawn up by Lonely Planet, and dominated by members of Unesco’s World Heritage Sites, the museum, in London, came in at number 15.

Here are the attractions that made the top 10 on the travel guidebook publisher’s Ultimate Travelist.

1. Temples of Angkor, Cambodia

2. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

3. Machu Picchu, Peru

4. Great Wall of China, China

5. Taj Mahal, India

6. Grand Canyon National Park, USA

7. Colosseum, Italy

8. Iguazu Falls, Brazil-Argentina

9. Alhambra, Spain

10. Aya Sofya, Turkey

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