
Comedian parodied Nadine Dorries' car crash BBC interview and people can't get enough

Comedian parodied Nadine Dorries' car crash BBC interview and people can't get enough
Nadine Dorries refuses to say how much she speaks to Boris Johnson ...

A comedian has parodied the painfully awkward car crash interview Nadine Dorries had on BBC Breakfast - and people are loving it.

Sooz Kempner (@SoozUK) embodied the role of Dorries with the help of a platinum blonde wig and made some hilarious additions such as puffing a cigarette and knocking back a bottle of booze as she chatted to the prime minister (or "Big Dog"as Kempner's Dorries calls him) on the phone imagining what a conversation would have been like if he had asked her to go on BBC Breakfast.

In real life, the culture secretary's interview with Charlie Stayt made headlines this week because of Dorries' combative response to the presenter's question about whether she had spoken with the PM.

"Why? Why are you asking me that question?" Dorries responded and when pressed for an answer once more she added: "We've communicated."

Kempner was able to perfectly capture Dorries' answer dodging and apparent hostility as she asked: "Why are you prying into my personal life?"

Taking the joke further, Kempner's Dorries accused Stayt of being jealous of the fact that she's been in contact with Boris Johnson and noted how he "picked [her] a published author to be on his front bench."

"He [Johnson] speaks to me and thinks about me all the time, and he never thinks about you Charlie," she gloated.

In the actual interview, Stayt then asked Dorries if Johnson had changed, to which Dorries asked: "Changed what?" and Stayt replied: "his attitude" and noted how the PM promised to change "the way he runs the government" after the release of Sue Gray's interim report.

Though Dorries seemed more interested in critiquing Stayt's interview style than answering the question and told him: "So your question was actually very open-ended and non-specific," before saying Johnson will change.

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In Kempner's parody, Dorries too hits back at Stayt (who is Kempner sporting a grey wig with a shirt and tie) and asks in a more expletive way: "Changed what b***h?".

The skit ended with Kempner's Dorries giving us some final words - and she did not disappoint.

She called Rishi Sunak a "two-faced snake", insisted that the prime minister "tells the truth," before declaring the Labour frontbench are "gakked off their nuts" and are "paedos."

Since sharing the parody, Kempner's video has received nearly 850,000 views, almost 25,000 likes, along with thousands of comments applauding the comedian's satirical take.

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