
Trump claims he is 'ambidextrous' - proceeds to give wrong definition of the word

Trump claims he is 'ambidextrous' - proceeds to give wrong definition of the word
Judge denies Donald Trump's request for mistrial after Stormy Daniels concludes testimony
Straight Arrow News / VideoElephant

Donald Trump is many things. However, he does not appear to be ambidextrous. Nor does he appear to understand what the word “ambidextrous” actually means.

The former president seems, in fact, to have confused the word with multitasking, or the ability to multitask.

Trump was speaking during an interview on Telemundo 51 when he was asked how he was balancing his family life with his ongoing legal issues.

The 77-year-old said he was ‘putting it aside’, before misusing the word “ambidextrous”, appearing to believe it meant the ability to do two or more things well at the same time.

“I’m very ambidextrous, so to speak, I can do a lot of things at one time,” he said. “And I’m willing to do and able to do things and lots of different things.”

The clip has been met with derision online, and it wasn’t long before the clip was posted by the account for President Biden’s re-election campaign, with the caption: “Trump, confused: I’m very ambidextrous, so to speak. I can do a lot of things at one time.”

Trump is currently facing a criminal trial around allegations from adult film star Stormy Daniels that she was paid hush money to keep quiet about a sexual relationship with Trump (he denies the affair and has pleaded not guilty).

Meanwhile, Trump could face further punishment after the court allowed him to have a day away from the courtroom to attend the graduation of his youngest son Barron next Friday, only for him to be booked to show up at a fundraising dinner in Minnesota that evening.

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