
Ukip spokesperson Calvin Robinson to leave UK, correctly predicts critics will 'rejoice'

Ukip spokesperson Calvin Robinson to leave UK, correctly predicts critics will 'rejoice'

Related video: Calvin Robinson slates 'doomed' GB news after being 'pushed out'

Dcn Calvin Robinson

Just one day after people delighted at the prospect of a trip to the pub without bumping into Nigel Farage, social media users are now celebrating the news that controversial right-wing commentator Calvin Robinson is leaving the UK.

The lead Ukip spokesperson and former GB News host announced his upcoming departure at the end of his Lotus Eaters show this week, stating that Keir Starmer’s “satanic mills” are “not for me”.

“I have been called to a parish elsewhere. I’ll announce where when it’s appropriate; it’s not proper yet to announce where.

“This has been in the progress [sic[ for a number of months now … but I think that’s been accelerated, actually, by the current state of affairs in the United Kingdom in that it doesn’t feel like people are ready to fight yet. There aren’t enough people awake yet.”

He continued: “In other parts of the world, there are people that still believe in freedom, that still believe in Christ, and are willing to fight for what’s right. I’m hoping that in joining them and becoming a soldier among many, that we can regroup, and we can build an army.

“I’m speaking metaphorically, but we need to be stronger as Christians, as Brits, as Englishmen – we’re not there yet.”

Robinson confirmed he would “make a stand” at the next UK general election, but would be working full-time as a parish priest “elsewhere”.

“London is no longer safe. I have moved out of London and I’m a nomad at the moment.

“[I will] hopefully come back stronger and with more encouragement,” he said.

Anticipating the reaction from his critics, Robinson followed-up the tweet with his announcement to say he was “sure the kinder, gentler liberals will rejoice”.

He wrote: “The hard left may have won the battle, but they will not win the war.”

And unsurprisingly, his prediction was absolutely right:

A Twitter/X account parodying Keir Starmer joked Robinson’s departure was one of the “tangible benefits of a Labour government”:

Others, meanwhile, contrasted the news of the commentator migrating with a tweet he posted just two days prior – on Wednesday – in which he praised Spanish authorities for ‘crushing’ a migrant dinghy:

Since being suspended by GB News in September 2023 (when he expressed support for then colleague Dan Wootton after he was suspended for his infamous interview with Laurence Fox), and later sacked from the channel, Robinson has made headlines for a number of bizarre reasons.

He now co-hosts a “cringe” podcast with Fox, was revealed to have a painting of himself in his toilet, and went on a trip to Disney World while fundraising to “keep a roof over his head”.

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