
Jack Black has inadvertently recreated the 'distracted boyfriend' meme and it's hilarious

Jack Black has inadvertently recreated the 'distracted boyfriend' meme and it's hilarious

Jack Black is a world-renowned Hollywood actor best known for his roles in The School of Rock, High Fidelity and Nacho Libre.

One thing that you might not know about him is that he is a avid gamer and even runs his very own video game YouTube channel called Jablinski Games.

Another thing you might be unaware of is that Black is an inadvertent meme creator, which was evident by the most recent video posted on his channel.

The clip sees the 49-year-old hanging out in the East Atlanta Village where the next Jumanji movie is currently being filmed.

In one scene Black is walking down a random street and a man with his girlfriend has to do a double take and in that moment recreated the now iconic 'distracted boyfriend' meme.

Take a look at the below video to see for yourself:

Folks on Twitter were quick to notice this and began creating memes out of this brand new image.

This is unlikely to replace the classic 'distracted boyfriend' meme but there is no doubt that it's pretty darn funny.

HT The Daily Dot

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