
These are the most prosperous countries in the world

These are the most prosperous countries in the world

The UK has been named the most prosperous of all major European Union members. The 2014 Prosperity Index ranks Britain as the 13th most-prosperous nation in the world, based on both wealth and wellbeing.

The 15 most prosperous countries in the world

1 Norway

2 Switzerland

3 New Zealand

4 Denmark

5 Canada

6 Sweden

7 Australia

8 Finland

9 Netherlands

10 United States

11 Iceland

12 Ireland

13 United Kingdom

14 Germany

15 Austria

The 15 least prosperous countries in the world

1 Central African Republic

2 Chad

3 Democratic Republic of Congo

4 Burundi

5 Yemen

6 Afghanistan

7 Togo

8 Haiti

9 Sierra Leone

10 Guinea

11 Angola

12 Liberia

13 Sudan

14 Syria

15 Iraq

(Source: Legatum Institute’s 2014 Prosperity Index)

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