
This woman restored an old van to travel the world with her rescue dog

Pamthevan91/Instagram screengrab

Marina Piro from Italy has done that which we all desire: She's gone travelling in Europe with her dog.

Odie, the beautiful pooch, has been treated to the round the world trip. It's clearly the best idea anybody has ever had.

How do you take your dog travelling? You'd need a permanent dog bed surely, and lots of hotels might stop you bringing Odie inside.

Never fear, the five door Renault Kangoo is here.

Piro spent months customising the car, to make it ready for her and Odie's trip, replete with all a dog might need.

In addition to any cats that would wish join them on the way!

According to Piro, it cost roughly £500.

Luckily for us, we won't miss a thing thank's to Piro's blog, Pam The Van.

The van is called Pam! They've been to lots of hot locations already:

Lago di Carol, Italy

Venice, Italy

Florence, Italy

Reims, France

Piro told Bored Panda:

Whether it’s with Pam or with a different means of transport. My plan is not to see as many places as possible but to really experience and get to know the places I go...Odie is loving it.

He gets spoiled wherever he goes and loves being out in the fresh air each day.


Here are some of their favourite activities:

Cat ride alongs.


Lazy Saturdays

Amazing views

Of course, we all know the real star of this show...

PAM the van

HT Bored Panda

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