Science & Tech

The dictionary used fans of Apple products as an example of 'sheeple'

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Merriam-Webster, a US company famed for its dictionaries has added new words to its online dictionary this week.

Notably, they added "sheeple" a portmanteau of people and sheep, which they define as "people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced : people likened to sheep"

Then - out of nowhere - it threw in a rather brutal line to Apple users.

As an example of the word in the sentence, Merriam-Webster used a quote from CNN Technology writer Doug Criss

Apple's debuted a battery case for the juice-sucking iPhone—an ungainly lumpy case the sheeple will happily shell out $99 for

FYI, Sheeple was first used in 1945 - before Apple even existed.


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