Science & Tech

The Rich Kids of Tehran instagram is back with one key difference

The Rich Kids of Tehran instagram is back with one key difference

The controversial Rich Kids of Tehran instagram account is back - with a difference.

The account, created in September, attracted tens of thousands of followers and featured parties, Ferraris, women in bikinis, luxury watches, pools and alcohol - despite Iran's strict laws prohibiting drinking and requiring women to wear a headscarf.

After global publicity, it was reportedly blocked in Iran last week due to its "vulgar" content. Those behind the instagram account explained on Twitter they had shut it down due to "false publicity."

Now Rich kids of Tehran is back, but this time it has been significantly pared down. The previous pictures have been deleted and a post on the page explains:

We would like to point out that, although the page is called richkidsoftehran, some of the pictures used were taken outside of Iran by Tehranis. Pictures of the drink bottles and bikinis were not taken in Iran. All of the young people featured in this account respect the government rules.

A spokesperson for Instagram told i100 the company would not comment on reports the account had been blocked.

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