
Netflix/21 Laps Entertainment
Streaming is a curious concept. One minute you'll be watching the 90s TV series Goosebumps and the next you'll be immersed in the dark parallel universe of Stranger Things.
And there's a little known way to check exactly which Netflix shows you have binge-watched and... it's emotional.
Right in front of your eyes, you can see where all those hours went, and you find out what show had the honour of being part of your first binge watching experience.
All you have to do is head to your Netflix account, hit the avatar at the top right and click on 'Account.' Then, scroll down to the 'My Profile' section and click on 'Viewing activity.'
Behold, pages, upon pages, upon pages of shows you've watched. As well as the date showing when you watched them.
Netflix viewing history. Picture:
Some people have been reacting to the feature and they got emotional too.
More: Netflix contacted a man to see if he was OK after his viewing habits changed
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