
Man behind 'succulent Chinese meal' meme finally breaks silence alongside officer who arrested him

Man behind 'succulent Chinese meal' meme finally breaks silence alongside officer who arrested him
Democracy Manifest

The internet is a strange, fascinating place at times, and it has the power to make random people, often from bygone eras, incredibly well known online.

One of those people is Jack Karlson, who is better known as the guy from the ‘succulent Chinese meal’ meme.

Karlson was arrested on October 11 in 1991 and the footage of him being forcibly thrown into a police car, while delivering a speech about a Chinese dinner with the grandeur of a Shakespearean soliloquy, has been seen millions of times online over the years.

Now, Karlson has sat down for another succulent meal, this time with the man who arrested him back then, to talk about the famous moment with ABC News Breakfast.

The officer, named Stoll Watt, also spoke about the arrest while the pair sat together in Brisbane.

Karlson was asked whether the entire arrest was "all a bit of performance art".

He replied: "I suppose so. A bit hard to remember motives and that from going back that far"

Watt also said: “Jack's now a good mate of mine, but I have a different version of events to what actually occurred. There's a lot of different versions of the events. A lot of mysteries and misperceptions about the whole thing.

“But the main thing is Jack should have got an Academy Award and he's a good mate.”

One of the most infamous moments of the video sees Karlson shout “get your hands off my penis!” to police officers. When asked if it was true that officers did ‘grab him by the private parts or was that made up on the spot’, Karlson replied: “Probably made up. Can't remember.”

“Jack has since said that he exaggerated that one. But I must say, Jack would have made a good detective in a different line of work,” Watt then said.

It’s a moment that will live forever in internet folklore, for sure.

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