
A map of the places Britons are most scared of travelling to

A map of the places Britons are most scared of travelling to

The places which Britons feel most scared to travel to on holiday have been revealed.

A survey of 7,395 Europeans by YouGov has shown that Britons are most afraid to travel to Tunisia out of 12 places , followed by Egypt and Turkey.

Participants were asked to rank countries on a scale where 0 meant 'very safe' and 5 means 'very dangerous'.

36 per cent of the 1,708 British respondents said Tunisia was ‘very dangerous’, compared to 23 per cent who said the same for Egypt, and 17 per cent for Turkey.

The survey was done between 23 and 29 July in the wake of a terrorist attack on a Tunisian beach hotel in which 30 Britons were killed.

Tunisia was the most feared of all the countries in the survey across all nationalities consulted.

The UK was found to be most dangerous by French and Finnish respondents, who both scored the UK on average at 1.3 on the scale.

Danes feared the UK the least, rating it 0.7 on average.

More:This is what countries around the world fear the most

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