
Trump appears to tap his leg to summon Melania in recently emerged clip of couple

Donald Trump is being criticised on social media after a video from filmed few weeks ago appears to show him slapping the top of his leg to summon his wife Melania.

The clip which appears to be from CNN was filmed in Dayton, Ohio on August 7, three days after a mass shooter killed nine people and injured 27 others.

In the video, when exiting the presidential state car, Trump inexplicably taps the top of his leg, the way someone would to beckon a dog.

Moments later, Melania Trump walks into the shot and the couple walk out of frame, just as vice president, Mike Pence, is exiting the car.

The video, which appears to have been first shared on Twitter by a user called Matt Dinan on August 7 has now gone viral after it was shared by others namely comedy writer James Felton and the parody Boris Johnson account.

It's hard to interpret what is actually happening here but maybe for once, we should give Trump the benefit of the doubt as he could easily be checking to see if he had he phone in his pocket when Melania appeared making it all a terrible coincidence.

Or he could actually be trying to call her in a subtle way making this another very, very awkward video about the Trumps and their unusual relationship.

He might have even been trying to get Mike Pence's attention which, if the case, is a more than acceptable way to talk to him.

Needless to say, the consensus on Twitter was that he was signalling to Melania and people are pretty appalled.

All in all, this isn't a good look for the president and we can't help but be reminded of this 'relationship goals' video from a few months ago.

HT Evening Standard


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