
How to stop stressing about the news and get a good night's sleep

How to stop stressing about the news and get a good night's sleep
Picture: istock

'Grab 'em by the pussy' should have been the line that ended Donald Trump's bid for US presidency.

But it didn't: the Republican who said Mexicans were rapists; threatened to deport all undocumented immigrants but bring the "good" ones back legally; build a giant wall; was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women; boasted about how his star power meant he could sexually assault women and get away with it; said not paying taxes made him "smart"; appeared to encourage Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails, used money from his charity to pay his private legal fees; refused to reject political support from a former KKK leader; and mocked a disabled reporter at a campaign rally (Yes he did, Trump supporters, there's a video and everything), is going to be the 45th president of the United States.

The impact that this election has had on mental health is considerable.

In September, before the infamous Access Hollywood video surfaced, a survey of 1,000 people on behalf of Citizen's Against Trumpism found "surprisingly high" levels of emotional distress related to the campaign.

Teachers in schools have reported bullies calling Muslim students terrorists, and telling Mexican ones that they were "outta here" once Trump became president.

Trump also produced more stress than Clinton did among women, POC, Hispanics and millenial adults, with most feeling anxious depressed or helpless.

The shock result is a lot to take in, and one small way to help handle any feelings of stress or anxiety is to make sure you're getting enough sleep.

A new US study has found that to ensure that, people are advised to stop fiddling with their phones before they go to bed, and try and cut down screen time as much as possible during the day as well.

"The more screen time, the worse the quality of sleep," said Gregory Marcus, co-author of the research from the University of California.

653 adults completed the study which revealed that every extra minute of time indivuals spent on their phone was linked to about a five minute decrease in sleep duration.

Marcus said:

Although we cannot prove causality, these data do suggest that screen time, especially before bed, may be harmful in terms of helping us achieve a good night’s sleep

So try and put down your phone for a bit. We're in for a long four years.

More: Michael Moore's terrifying quote that predicted Donald Trump's election victory

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