Greg Evans
Jul 04, 2017

@therealburrmartin / Instagram
If you're only a casual user of Instagram, you're probably still very familiar with the 'sexy selfie'.
They've become a staple of the photosharing platform, next to impressive landscapes from enviable holidays and perfectly composed plates of food.
Chris 'Burr' Martin is taking the 'sexy selfie' to the next level however, by expertly trolling his daughter, Cassie.
It's not a malicious kind of trolling though. It is actually very affectionate and utterly hilarious.
The comedian and podcaster from Washington has been recreating Cassie's Instagram posts and the results are amazing.
You really have to admire his commitment to detail.
Everything from the hair to the make-up is 'spot-on'.
You can't deny that he doesn't have the figure for it.
We sincerely hope his tattoos aren't real though.
He even made his own boyfriend.
His daughter isn't the only one on the receiving end of the joke though. His son, Austin has also been had the same treatment.
And his wife.
The funniest thing about all of this is, that since Chris started this series his follow count has now increased to a whopping 139k.
That's more than double his daughters.
It must be worth it when he is willing to pierce his own belly button.
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