
Newsreader cracks up while interviewing TikToker with Tourette's live on air

Newsreader cracks up while interviewing TikToker with Tourette's live on air
Chris Cuomo laughs while interviewing TikToker with Tourette's live on air

A newsreader was left struggling to contain his laughter during a live television interview with a TikToker who has Tourette's syndrome.

The job of new hosts means they have to remain straight-faced and professional, but occasionally something amusing gets the better of them, with footage of a man being hit by a pigeon enough to send one BBC presenter into hysterics recently.

Chris Cuomo from NewsNation found he was also unable to suppress his laughter during a live interview with 21-year-old TikToker Baylen Dupree, who uses her account to raise awareness of the condition to her 9 million followers.

The interview was broadcast completely uncensored as Dupree’s uncontrollable ticks included swear words like, “F*** you, Chris”.

During one tick, which came right as Dupree was explaining some of the interactions she has had on social media, Dupree said: “Go f*** yourself, Chris, little baby wiener. Banana up your a**. Butter your own biscuit, fat a**!”

Cuomo looked on the verge of bursting out laughing and had to cover his face before Dupree continued the interview. The TikToker explained how her parents have been told they “deserved to die in a car accident” by people who claim she is faking her condition.

Dupree’s interview and Cuomo’s response quickly went viral.

One person commented: “Cuomo is a hell of a professional, I’d have rolled all over laughing when she said, 'butter your own biscuit fat a**'.”

“This is quite literally the funniest thing I have ever seen. I actually cried. Everything about this is so perfect,” another wrote.

In a follow-up clip shared by Cuomo, he added that he “didn’t give a damn” if Dupree swore on his show because she came on to “fight the stigma of having Tourette’s syndrome”.

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