
Mexico alien memes: 17 of the funniest jokes about the 'alien' presented to congress

Mexico alien memes: 17 of the funniest jokes about the 'alien' presented to congress
"Alien" Corpses Shown At Mexico Congress
unbranded - Newsworthy / VideoElephant

The aliens unveiled in the Mexican congress is one of the strangest stories of the year and whenever there is something truly surreal happening you can bet the internet isn't far behind with memes.

On Tuesday, an individual named Jaime Maussan presented two so-called 'corpses' to the Mexican congress claiming that they were aliens that were more than 1000 years old.

Maussan added that the 30 per cent of the 'aliens' DNA was 'unknown' and that they weren't found in a UFO wreckage but "they were found in diatom (algae) mines, and were later fossilised" ater being retrieved from the Peruvian city of Cusco.

The story has been widely derided especially as the 'aliens' have been presented before and are considered part of a hoax.

Still despite the bizarre nature of the story many people have given their opinions on it - including Professor Brian Cox who said the figures were "way too humanoid."

Less nuanced takes are available on X/Twitter where the 'aliens' have been memes and very amusing ones at that we should add. Here are some of our favourites.

Of course, Dillon Danis had to make a Nina Agdal one.

And that's that. Rest easy Mexican alien. We hope you get some hydration soon.

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