TikTok prankster Mizzy shares new clip walking into another stranger's home

TikTok prankster Mizzy shares new clip walking into another stranger's home

TikTok prankster, Mizzy, is back again, doing the very thing that contributed to him getting arrested just a few weeks ago.

The 18-year-old previously posted himself online walking into random houses, causing disturbances to the people who lived there, resulting in a a two-year criminal behaviour order.

But, it doesn't seem to have phased him.

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"I know I could go for prison, and I know it's stupid...it's for the memes, it's for the bants, it's for the guys", he tells his friends in the new clip, before being chased out of the flat almost immediately by an Alsation.

It's unclear if the prank was staged.

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